Talent Executive

Josh Novack

Josh is a Talent Executive with 2 years of experience, working primarily in sports, particularly football. He started his career in the football industry, working at some of England’s top football clubs in their media departments. Earning himself a degree in Football Business and Media, his knowledge of sports has now led him to combine social media and football to manage several of the UK’s top football creators.

Josh has worked with a wide range of brands, such as Persil, JD Sports, Fireball Whisky, and F1 team Kick Sauber, all to great success. Josh is passionate about giving talent the opportunity to work with their dream brands and experience the moments they dreamed of as kids.

His knowledge of social media and PR landscapes extends beyond the realm of football, with a strong understanding of lifestyle and entertainment content.

"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."